Jolly Roger Hat

Jolly Roger Hat
The Jolly Roger design was inspired by the pirates code of ethics which stated that all men and women were equal regardless of race or gender and every issue was to be decided democratically with each person getting one vote. Established in 1706 the pirates code was clearly ahead of its time and in a lot of ways ahead of our time today. During this time pirate ships crewed by freed slaves and captained by women would routinely attack British slave ships freeing the slaves and giving them citizenship in the Republic of Pirates. The amount of freedom and human dignity enjoyed by the citizens of the Republic of Pirates must have been infuriating to the British royalty who at the time had strict policy to “make the world England.” For over a decade the Republic of Pirates exercised their freedom in the Caribbean sea only to have their capital city (modern day Nassau) burned to the ground by an armada of British war ships. As they say, “history is written by the victors” and sadly pirates are often wrongly remembered by the reputation given to them by the British empire. This hat was designed to refute that reputation and honor not just the history of the Republic of Pirates, but also the inalienable rights of freedom and autonomy.